A little over a year ago a parent came to us because we saw her child's worth of who they are being ripped away from them. With many planning sessions we got to the root of our WHY. Our mission with this new leadership program was to reinforce and prevent erosion in the culture of our next generation!
This fall we relaunched our Leadership Cohort program at Kent Island High School, where students voluntarily met before school twice a month. Throughout the school year lessons of leaders remember, leaders observe, leaders serve, leaders listen, SPIRE method, and ending with a DISC analysis were taught. Students stepped away from the program talking about how they were able to speak their mind without being judged, learned more about who they are as individuals and their personality type, how to lead people, and how they saw positive change within their peers who attended.
These students learned a lot about who they are as a person and a leader. We can't wait to continue to grow with them through their time in high school and welcome new leaders in the fall!